
All meals are carefully cooked and prepared on the premises ensuring that all children’s nutrition needs are balanced and healthy. (A sample week menu is enclosed) We encourage children to enjoy a variety of foods including lots of fruit and vegetables.  If children have any specific diets, dislikes or allergies to any foods, parents are required to inform me in writing on registration.


We recommend that children wear clothing, which is suitable for an active child’s day and the weather.  Naming clothes is recommended   to avoid any confusion.  A change of clothes must be brought in the child’s bag each day.  Parents are required to provide their own child’s nappies.  Children are provided with a smock when they start.

The Daily Diary

A diary of your child’s day will be kept.  This will include information on the activities your child has enjoyed doing that day; as well as lunch and nappy changes. 

Settling in

Some children settle in straight away, others will take more time.  I advise that a parent should never leave without saying goodbye.  Initially parents are encouraged to stay with their child for short periods at first to offer a reassuring presence.  Two settling visit will be organised before your child starts.